Prefecture de Police de Paris Curfew FAQs

Updated October 17, 2020

The measures detailed below are valid from October 17 to November 16, 2020.

Only the regulatory texts (decree of October 16, 2020, and prefectural decree of October 17, 2020) are authentic for the application of these measures. The sole purpose of these frequently asked questions is to clarify certain points raised in the questions frequently sent to the police headquarters. It does not provide an exhaustive overview of all the measures taken.

Requests from professionals and elected officials on the application of these measures can be addressed to


When does the curfew come into effect?

From October 17, every night from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.

How does the curfew apply between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.?

Travel in the city of Paris is prohibited between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. Apart from certain exceptions, all establishments open to the public (restaurants, cinemas, theaters, shops, etc.) must close to the public no later than 9 p.m. Users of these establishments will have to take into account in their time of leaving the establishment, the travel time required to be home before the start of the curfew.

Establishments affected by the curfew measure must close to the public, but their employees may be present in the establishment during curfew hours: a baker can bake his bread from 4 a.m., a waiter can set up tables. before 6 a.m. or clean the premises after 9 p.m.

What are the possible exemptions from the closure of public venues during curfew?

Some establishments whose operation after curfew hours is necessary may waive the obligation to close between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. This is particularly the case for health and medico-social establishments, public security, rescue and transport services, reception structures for people in precarious situations, hotels, pharmacies, gas stations, etc. veterinary clinics …

The home delivery activity practiced by restaurants will also be authorized after 9 p.m. 

What are the possible exemptions from the travel ban during the curfew?

All professional activities in public space are authorized during curfew hours: filming, construction sites, transport of goods, etc.

Subject to obtaining a derogatory certificate, people in the following situations may also travel during the curfew:

1 ° Travel between the home and the place of exercise of the professional activity or the place of education and training;

2 ° Travel for consultations and care that cannot be provided remotely and cannot be postponed or for the purchase of health products;

3 ° Travel for compelling family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable or precarious people or childcare (example: social marauding, serious family event, assistance to a dependent relative)

4 ° Travel for people with disabilities and their companions;

5 ° Travel to respond to a judicial or administrative summons (example: filing a complaint, reporting obligation)

6 ° Travel to participate in missions of general interest at the request of the administrative authority (example: associations for the prevention of delinquency)

7 ° Travel related to transfers or transits to or from stations or airports as part of long-distance journeys (example: to take a train, a plane, or a long-distance bus when the departure/arrival times are incompatible with the compliance with the curfew)

8 ° Short trips, within a maximum radius of one kilometer around the home for the needs of pets.

For exemptions related to professional activity, individuals must be provided with proof from the employer.

For exemptions not related to a professional reason, the derogatory certificate will be valid for one hour. It is recommended that you also bring all the necessary supporting documents to explain your situation in the event of an inspection: medical certificate, administrative notice, train/plane ticket, etc.

The models of certificates are available for download from government sites, or in dematerialized format. It is also possible to copy the certificate on plain paper or to use certificates cut out from newspapers and magazines.


How do the maximum 1000 people limit to apply for an event? 

This gauge applies in all establishments open to the public and outdoor events authorized by the perfect. It must be calculated “at time T” and not over the duration of an event and must be able to be verified at any time by the organizer. Members of the organization (staff), technical and safety teams, exhibitors are not counted in the gauge.

How does the ban on gatherings of more than 6 people apply?

This ban applies to all gatherings on public roads, in parks, gardens, woods, whether they are of a private nature (parties with friends) or leisure (flea markets, garage sales, sports groups). This measure does not apply to businesses or establishments open to the public.

The following are not affected by this ban: the terraces of establishments open to the public located in public spaces and cemeteries, for funeral ceremonies. Likewise, professional activities in public spaces are not affected (filming, public worksites, professional guides with their clients, etc.).

Demonstrations of protest on public roads must be declared, but are not subject to any maximum level. They may be prohibited by the police prefect if they disturb public order or if the health measures proposed by the organizers are deemed insufficient.

Queues in front of a building are not considered a rally. They are not subject to this rule.

Can I obtain an exemption from the police chief to gather more than 6 people in public space? More than 1000 people for an event?

No, no derogation is possible apart from the cases mentioned above.

Should I ask the Prefect of Police for a prohibition order if the event I have planned does not comply with the new health measures?

No, any event that does not comply with the new prefectural measures is de facto prohibited, and there is no point in asking the prefecture for a specific prohibition order.

I have already declared an event at the prefecture where I would like details on the organization of an event on public roads subject to declaration, before or after the end of the restrictive measures. Who can I contact?

You can address your file and questions to your

Are food markets allowed?

Yes, all the food markets remain open under the usual conditions and in compliance with the curfew hours. This is also the case for the AMAP distribution points.

What about activities in favor of vulnerable groups or on the street? 

Food distributions are possible both in public spaces and in gymnasiums and other places now closed to the public, even if they bring together more than 6 people, including outside of curfew hours.

These places can also be used to welcome vulnerable populations in a shelter, or even as part of crisis management (after a fire, for example, etc.).

Are COVID screening street places still allowed? What about other health activities usually carried out in tents or public spaces?

Yes, health screening (COVID, HIV, etc.), vaccination, or blood product collection activities are not affected by the restriction measures.


Will cultural venues remain open? Under what conditions?

Yes, establishments open to the public, such as museums, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, are open and can welcome clients while respecting the barrier gestures and protocols in force. However, they must be closed during curfew hours, between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Professionals are invited to check the ERP classification of their establishment: in type L, only multipurpose rooms and party rooms are closed.

Funfairs are prohibited.

Can I organize a party of more than 6 people in my apartment? In a party hall or a space that I would rent for the occasion?

Private parties organized in homes cannot be prohibited, but the Prefect of Police strongly recommends their cancellation, failing which strict compliance with barrier measures and the limitation to six guests. In any case, no participant in a private party may travel between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

On the other hand, the party rooms and other spaces intended for rental for private events are closed: no festive activity, including a private or family nature, may take place in these spaces.

Student parties are also prohibited.

I’m getting married soon, what rules apply for the ceremony? The wedding party?

Civil and religious marriage ceremonies remain possible under the usual conditions, subject to strict compliance with barrier gestures. On the other hand, wedding celebrations are not authorized in establishments open to the public and are totally discouraged in a private setting. No participant will be able to travel between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

What are the applicable rules in bars, restaurants, game clubs, etc.?

Since Tuesday, October 6, bars (establishments that sell alcoholic beverages as their main activity) have been closed. Restaurants (establishments that sell meals primarily) may remain open to the public between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. in strict compliance with sanitary protocol: the display of the maximum gauge at the entrance of the establishment, minimum 1m between the chairs different tables, reminder book at the entrance, 6 people maximum per table. These restaurants can serve drinks outside of meals.

Game rooms, dance halls, and game clubs are also closed to the public.

The “shisha bars” are closed to the public due to the nature of their activity.

What are the rules for barges?

Barges are subject to the same rules as bars and restaurants: those which exercise a bar activity must be closed to the public, those which exercise a catering activity may remain open to the public between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. This rule applies to all boats that welcome the public, whether they are at the dock or when they are sailing during their service (in practice, a barge at the dock or under navigation cannot offer a bar service).

Barges whose purpose is a passenger transport service (riverboats) are not affected by the new measures. However, they are subject to the obligation to close between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Are fairgrounds allowed? work? What about circuses?

Fairgrounds are prohibited.

Rides for children can operate with respect to barrier gestures, even if they have more than 6 people on board.

Cultural and circus performances held in a CTS-type ERP (marquees, tents, structures) are authorized following the health regulations in force.

Are trade fairs and congresses authorized?

All areas classified as type T, such as exhibition centers and convention centers, are closed to the public. From then on, all the events which should have taken place are suspended.

Can I continue to practice a sport?

Sports practice is still possible in public spaces (groups of up to 6 people) and outdoor sports grounds.

Gyms and multi-purpose rooms are closed, except for the activities of minors (anyone under the age of 18), regardless of the type of activity and the setting of this activity (school, extracurricular, associative …). Exemptions are also provided for high-level athletes or professionals, people with a medical certificate requiring the practice of physical activity for health reasons, people with disabilities. Supervisors of minors and those accompanying disabled people are authorized to enter the establishments concerned.

The indoor swimming pools are closed, except for the activities of minors. 

Sports and fitness clubs and other rooms hosting sports activities are closed, except for people with a medical certificate requiring the practice of physical activity for health reasons. Internal corporate and employee-only gyms are not subject to closure and are the responsibility of the company. Their closure is however recommended.

Outdoor facilities (stadiums, training grounds) remain open to everyone.

All activities must be practiced in compliance with barrier measures.

What are the measures for business activities?

Shopping centers will be able to accommodate a maximum of 1 customer for 4m² of surface area. The gauge, therefore, varies from one establishment to another, depending on its surface. This gauge should be appreciated throughout the shopping center and not for each store that makes it up. In all these establishments, wearing a mask is compulsory.

What are the applicable rules for events taking place in a town hall?

Any type of administrative activity remains possible in a town hall, in particular public meetings, permanence, and ceremonies (marriage, republican baptism, etc.). However, as in all establishments open to the public, festive activities (wedding party, birthday party) are strictly prohibited.

Can I continue to practice artistic activities?

Artistic and cultural activities are authorized, as long as they do not bring together more than 6 people in public space, or not more than 1,000 people in an establishment receiving the public authorized to open and that they respect barrier gestures.

On the other hand, gymnasiums and multipurpose rooms are prohibited for all activities, even artistic ones, apart from activities intended for minors.

Can places of worship still accommodate more than 6 people?

Yes, like all establishments open to the public, places of worship are not subject to the rule of 6 people maximum, provided that sanitary measures are strictly observed. They cannot gather more than 1000 followers simultaneously. They are subject to closure between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

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